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Zoom Help

The tutoring sessions will take place on Zoom, an app that allows both video and audio conferences. Zoom even lets you or your tutor share their screen with you. The app is perfect for online meetings. If you have a computer with a webcam, a phone, or a tablet, you can use Zoom. Below is some help with setting up Zoom and joining your meeting. Contact us with the contact page if you need additional help or Zoom isn't working for you.

Downloading and Testing Zoom

  1. First, go to

  2. Then, click the Join button.

  3. If you have not used Zoom, then you will be prompted to install the app. If you have downloaded the app, a pop-up window will appear. Click Open 

  4. Then, you will see a video preview. Click on Join with Video.

  5. You will now test to see if the audio. First, you will hear a ringtone. Click Yes if you can hear it. If you cannot hear it, make sure your volume is up and it is playing on the correct speaker.

  6. You will now test the microphone. Zoom will ask you to say something. Say anything and your voice will playback to you. If this works, click Yes. 

  7. Now, click Join with Computer Audio.

  8. Another window will pop up and click Join with Computer Audio again.

  9. There is a short time limit for this test meeting. If you get kicked out during the process, go back to the link and try the test again. 

  10. You are now ready to use Zoom!


Joining your Zoom Meeting

  1. You will want to join your Zoom meeting a few minutes in advance.

  2. First, you will click the link that the Learning Helpline will email you. 

  3. Then, a pop-up window will appear. Click Open 

  4. Then, you will see a video preview. Click Join with Video. 

  5. Now, click Join with Computer Audio. 

  6. After this, Zoom will connect you!

  7. After you are finished with your session, click Leave Meeting in the lower right to leave Zoom. 

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