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Looking to practice outside of class? Sharpening your skills is always beneficial, but it doesn’t have to be tedious! Here are some sites that we love for each school subject.


Not only are there videos explaining almost every subject imaginable, but there are also games and quizzes you can play too!


Sign up free, you can customize your character and play fun games to practice your basic math. You won’t get into higher-level problems but this site will certainly quicken up your math game. 

This is like Cool Math Games, which most are familiar with, but has games with more active math practice. It also goes up through pre-algebra. 

Language Arts 

This is a wonderful website where you sign up for free and can play games to expand your vocabulary. However, you’re not just practicing english-- you’re donating to the poor! For every question you get right, FreeRice donates 10 grains of rice to the World Hunger Program. 


This can be used across subjects, but it’s like Kahoot but (this is hard to believe) even more fun and interactive. You can search for games across the curriculum and compete with your friends or your family or just by yourself!


Brainpop is also useful across subjects, but their science programs are especially informative. You can watch videos, do practice worksheets, play games, or practice vocabulary. 

Social Studies 

Live out the Civil War era in an interactive game. There are many fun choose-your-path games like this online, but this one is one we specifically enjoyed.


Want to learn more about the election process? Since we’re in the midst of an election year, this site is especially useful to clarify how it works. Pick your party, slogan, and main issues to focus on and try to win the presidency! Super fun and interactive and has great replay value. 

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